"This app contains ads"! Google Play now tells you which apps have ads
Geek Park Microsyscope: geekpark
Google Play
For many users, ads in mobile apps aren't pleasant, especially when we download lesser-known apps, and we can't tell if there's any ads in the app. So Google Play made a new change today, and they started showing users whether the app contained ads on each app's details page.
Now, if you just want a completely pure mobile world, you can avoid boring mobile ads with this new feature.
“I'll give you more information
In the new version of Google Play, you'll be in the original"Open"I see this new label under the button(Contains ads)And that's itIn-App PurchasesThe left side of the label. For example, the following image:
Also, the policy covers almost all forms of advertising in the app, including local ads, out-of-the-way ads, Banner, and more.
In fact, while advertising is an unpleasant thing for users, it is an important source of revenue for many app developers, so this news is sure to have an impact on app development on the Android platform. But since last year, Google has been making a series of changes to Google Play in an attempt to make it more user-friendly. In April last year, Google Play announced a project called「Designed For Families」App developers can choose to join this additional review and, if passed, their apps will be available「family-friendly」tag, and get a little green star. Google said at the time that it wanted to help users make smarter choices through these initiatives.
The ad's logo also comes from the Designed For Families program. In November, Google asked all app developers to submit ads in their apps, and apps that refuse or hide the truth are dealt with off the shelves.
If you look at old rivals Apple, they added the "in-app purchase" tag to the App Store in 2014, but they haven't specifically labeled in-app ads.
“It's worth learning from
Although it remains to be seen whether this feature will reduce the ads we see in practice, after all, many apps still use it even if there are ads, but this is undoubtedly good news for users, after all, users can be given more choice, but also to encourage app developers in the processing of advertising to develop some better applications.
According to Google's own announcement, they will launch the new feature in the coming days and expand it around the world in the next two weeks. Although for some reason we can't use Google Play very smoothly at home, this new feature is worth learning from in these app stores in China.
The top image of the article is from TechCrunch
This article is original for Geek Park
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